Saturday 27 December 2014

Getting fit and healthy in Stouffville.

New Year, New You, Not going to happen?  Lets make it happen at Stouffville's One-Stop Fitness source.  Our goal and passion is to make Stouffville health and fit.

Calm before the storm at Repetitions Fitness

 After the food coma has subsided and the hangover headache is fading away, we realize that it is a new year and a new month and it's time to make our resolutions.  Most of us have "lose 10 pounds" or "get healthy" as one of our top 3 resolutions, and we should.  Living a healthy lifestyle will allow you to play with your kids longer, run up the stairs without catching your breath, and shovel the driveway without the worry of a heart attack.  There is no need to fall for a get fit quick scam, it took time to put on the weight and it should take time to properly take it off which means it will stay off.  Here are my top 3 tips from someone who has made many new years resolutions and has actually stuck with them past February.

1. Set mini goals
We all work better when we have a goal to work towards.  Whether it is a wedding you are going to, finally wearing that skimpy bikini you bought 3 years ago, or just being able to comfortably slip into your jeans without anything hanging over.  Goals give us a deadline and we all work better with a deadline.  Set mini New Years resolution goals, 1 to be completed at the end of each month.  Treat each month as if it is January 1st all over again.  Sit down at the beginning of the month and pick 1 or 2 things you want to have accomplished before the next month starts.  Make them fun!

Here are some ideas:
- 10 full pushups
- 25 squat jumps
- 10 burpees
- Run 1 block

Start with 1 then add on a few each week.  By the end of the year you will be able to do 100 no problem!

2. Make exercise fun
Not many people get excited to workout out. I am the complete opposite. I honestly can't wait to exercise, it is my time to zone out for 30 minutes and get a good sweat on at my home gym in Stouffville.  Tabata, HIIT, Bootcamp, a Hill Climb on my treadmill or any kind of interval really, gets me so pumped!  It relieves stress, it makes me happy and my children are watching me fall in love with my body instead of shaming it.

Here are some ways I make it fun:
- listen to your favorite music, I have the most random playlists but they are all of my favorite songs - Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake, Marc Anthony, Biggie, and of course all the way back euro anyone can handle!  Music pumps you up and keeps you going to a beat.  Its frustrating to me if I move slower than the beat, so it keeps pushing you to work harder
- watch your favorite TV Show.  I am not the biggest advocate of watching something while you are working out, but if you dedicate half hour of your life to watch your favorite series on Netflix, then do it in front of the treadmill or eliptical.  Start making dates with a workout regime and your favorite show.  Whatever gets you to exercise!

3. Join a group fitness club
It is always more fun (and sometimes a little competitive!) to workout with your friends.  You push each other to go when you feel like crap and would rather stay in your pjs.  You are proud of each pound you lose and when you are together you have someone who knocks the pretzels out of your hand before you eat them.  (True story, this actually happened to me. Love you Laura!)  You become accountable to someone other than yourself and we all need that.  Stouffville Bootcamp has taken residence at Repetitions Fitness Boutique Studio in Stouffville that only offers group based classes.  We have personal training as well if you'd like something more one to one, but the classes are amazing.  There are over 45 classes a week that vary from MMA to Yoga to PiYo and Core Ab training.  Everyone is extremely supportive and we all push ourselves and each other to keep going.  The group fitness classes are only 30 minutes each so if your short on time, they are great, or you can always do a few back to back.  Stouffville Bootcamp also offer fun challenges and healthy living education each month that push you faster towards your goals.  There is a vegan cafe on site so you can have a protein shake or a shot of espresso to give you an extra kick before your next class.  If you would like more information about it check it out by clicking here: Stouffville Fitness Weight-loss.

So this year, your first goal should be to stick with your goals.  Celebrate February first (not with chocolate cake though!) for sticking with your new years resolutions and do that each month.  Take progress pictures and find goal pictures to stick up on your fridge and keep you motivated when you feel like giving up.  You can change the way you look and feel about your body by taking small steps towards big goals.  Let me know what your goals are and I would be happy to give you some tips to sticking with them!  Just don't get mad at me when I check in on you :)

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