Monday 18 February 2013

Day 1... Again

Today I embark on a very familiar journey.
One that I have danced on my whole life, getting into shape.
I have always been active, always in the gym, always playing sports, but never have I ever been in the body I imagined for myself.  I'm talking fitness model, proud bikini sporting, head turning body.  I am determined to make it my goal for this year.  I am not making excuses, but the only catch is now, I have a little bean who has taken all of my me time, that I never appreciated before baby, and steals it for her feedings, her poopy diapers, her oatmeal baths and her giggles.  I love her to bits, but sleep already so I can get my workout done!  :)
As most of you know, she was born super early - I was 25 weeks pregnant. Yes, you read that right, 6 months - I just started to show my bump (before that it was just fat.. cuz you know, im pregnant so I can scarf down a Costco size bag of Smartfood) and never felt her kick.  It was a shock to say the least and after 112 days in 3 different hospitals, multiple surgeries, and more blood transfusions than I would like to count - we brought out little bean (she was 1lb 3 oz when she was born) home.  Life has been very stressful with doctor visits, follow up appointments and a wide variety of therapists (physio, nutritional, occupational, speech, early intervention) in and out of our home, it seems that working out, wasn't working out.  It has seemed to calm down a bit and shorty seems to be falling into a routine and I have faith that I can start kicking my ass (I can probably reach it with my foot as I now have mom bum from sitting so much!)

so this is it.

I spent the past 4 days researching all of the popular diets and workouts, all of the unconventional ones and have made the decision to do the Les Mills Combat 5 times a week (Monday to Friday) and my own HITT workout on Saturdays with Sunday as my catch my breath day.  I know that sounds like a lot of workout, but I have been doing Insanity on and off for the past 2 months and I really need something short (the videos are like 20 min) and effective (they say High Intensity Interval Training is the best!)
In terms of nutrition, I have a ton of allergies that I don't listen to (Gluten, Dairy, Wheat....) and I am going to listen to my body and stop eating what I know is bad for me.  I eat fairly healthy - no more smartfood for me! but I need a bit of a kickstart into this new me.  I researched @SaraSolomon - go check her out, shes stupid amazing and she preaches a Intermittent Fasting program where you fast for 16 hours a day and eat your specific required caloric intake during the other 8 hours.  The idea is that your body produces HGH (Human Growth Hormone) when fasting, and combined with healthy eating meeting all of the nutrients you need for a workout like mine, it becomes super effective.

I have always wanted the quick fix, the fat burners, the raspberry keytones, all the sh#t TV tries to convince you will make you loose 5 lbs in 1 week.  It never worked, I hated myself on it, and it just made me more upset in myself for "failing" yet again and falling into another trap.  This time its different.  This time I have declared it to the world that I am making these changes.  Its gonna happen.  I will be the body I want to be by the end of the year.  Im starting with 30 days (which brings me to March 18th) and will reevaluate the program and make the necessary changes.  I'll keep you posted.

Now im off to get my 8 hours of sleep (ha ha ha, I have a baby with Bronchilaitis right now, who the heck is sleeping longer than 45 min :S) and ive started fasting at 8 (so im "cranky" says my husband) - not to eat until 2 hours after my workout so that brings us to Noon tomorrow.  sounds hard, but hey, I've been faced with harder challenges this past year - I can go a few hours with no food if it means im going to look like a rock star.  Alrighty kids - lets kick some mum bum!