Thursday 21 February 2013 frenemy

Me and food have had a long time tumultuous relationship with each other.  We break up, we make up, over and over again for the past 20 something years.

Now that I think I finally have a handle on my eating habits I feel like I can share what has worked and not worked for me.  I think I have tried every diet for at least 30 days in the past 10 years and have lost, gained, lost and gained all kinds of poundage.  Right now, this is what I am doing:

Intermittent Fasting

- it usually ends up being about 17 hours of no eating... roughly 7:30pm - Noon ish
- from Noonish until 7:30pm I eat healthy foods, doesn't matter when, or how much at each sitting
- I input everything into a Calorie Counter on my phone to make sure I am meeting my Recommended Daily Intake so that way im not over in Calories, Carbs or Fats and that I ate enough of the right stuff.
- I drink anywhere from 3-4 litres of water plus tea and of course espresso all day long.
- I chew gum and brush my teeth like 14 times a day to get the taste of food out of my mouth and subsequently out of my brain

HITT workouts

- so now I am on a Les Mills Combat kick, I do it 5 times a week and on the weekend I do my own concoction of things.  Everyday its only 20-30 minutes but its the most intense, sweaty 20 minutes of the day.  Sweat is fat crying!!!
- I was a gym rat, but I just can't manage it right now.  Maybe when shorty goes to school in 3 years it might happen, but as for now - my time is hers.  All my workouts are done at home in my foyer (don't drive by my house around 10am - you'll see me jumping up and down like a maniac).  I have my weights, weighted gloves, bands and runners in my front closet.  I was working out in the basement, but its dark and sometimes spooky, so I can't do it anymore.
- the thing about HITT workouts is that you need to give 'er the whole time.  Its HIGH INTENSITY so you need to be out of breath the whole time.  I mean don't pass out or anything, but you should be right there.  You will get the BEST results in the shortest amount of time if you really push.  You always have more you can give, take a BIG DEEP breath, let it out and keep going.  You will feel so amazing afterwards!!!!!!

Let me know if you have any questions for me - I don't know if I covered everything.  Or if you want my trainer friends to answer anything either.  Lemme know!

Some websites you need to go to for more information!

- Dr. Sara Solomon
... look at her body, she is amazing and an inspiration.  Her blog and videos have so much information in them and she is proof that this works.
- IF calculator
.... this is the calculator I used to come up with my RDI.  Its super complex, but super easy so read the definitions and learn about what works for you!
- Beachbody Les Mills Combat
....this is the workout I am doing right now.

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